Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tonja and the SeaHawks

Tonja and the Seattle SeaHawks

I am an artist by nature, and like to live just outside the box. Many of you know me as a Yoga instructor or possibly from the flower shop Young Flowers that is my home base when I'm not off having an adventure somewhere in this big world. One of the places my yoga career has taken me this year is I am now the Yoga coach for not only the Sounders, fc. but also the SeaHawks ( our pro soccer and american football teams here in Seattle, for those of you not from this continent) and I am pioneering yoga programs for both teams. Anyway. How did i get the jobs? Well, I've never lacked ambition, and I was right time, knew some folks that got my big toe wedged in the door, and I have a handful of wonderful friends that coach me and tell me never to give up. Oh, yeah, and I'm a pretty good Yoga instructor that has worked with a variety of elite athletes in the past.

So, this morning, I found myself at a Business Breakfast for Pete Carroll at the Fairmont Hotel in Seattle. Coach Carroll is the new SeaHawks head coach who is well known for his success as a coach and motivational speaker. There I was, little ole me with my "Lionheart Yoga Training" business badge grasping my lapel, trying to make my way in a packed room of fancy pants business men, to my seat near the stage. Now, mind you, I've never worn "business casual" in my life, let alone been around so many Armani suits and Dior ties. I'm an artist, mountain biker, and traveler, and all my friends are very down to earth, with a rather rough sense of humor. As breakfast was being served, Coach was making his way around the room saying "hi" to the business people he knew, and as he approached a table near mine, I stood up and introduced myself.
" Hi Coach, my name is Tonja, and I don't know if you know this, but I am your new Yoga coach for the SeaHawks!" He was surprised, but didn't miss a beat, and shook my hand telling me all about how wonderful it was that the Fitness trainers were bringing me on board, blah, blah..

I sat back down, and he began his speech followed by a Q&A session. One of the questions asked was, " How do you keep your players in balance and prevent burnout?" To which, Coach Carroll called out my name, " Tonja! were are you in the audience, please stand up!! Everyone, this is the SeaHawks new Yoga Coach, and we are proud to have her on board. This is one of the ways we are keeping our players in balance...."

Little ole me!! Standing up in that huge crowd of fancy business men being introduced by their hero, Coach Carroll!!!

One small step for yoga, and a big step for Big Men in tights!!!


xo, Tonja

1 comment:

  1. congrats Tonja, thats so awesome. You are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing such a cool story.
