Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day in the life of a Yoga Trainer. Really rough job....

Hey, that's not a SeaHawk or Sounder...what the??? Nope, that's my friend and fellow Lululemon Ambassador, Troy Jackson, from Philly. We were hangin' for a day while he dropped in on my yoga scene, sharin' the L to the U to the V. Check him out at Philly Power Yoga next time you are in that great city.
So, no , I am working on permission to print photo's of the teams, but in the mean time I wanted to give you all an idea of height that we are working with here. So I'm no small fry at nearly 5' 10, and I'm no delicate flower, uh hem. But, standing next to Troy who is not an inch shorter than 6'6" and not a small fry himself, you get an idea of those SeaHawks. Except, add about 100 lbs to Troy and expand his shoulders, chest and thighs and you got it about right. Not that his need expanding, but, I'm just sayin'....
Now, everyone thinks i have a glamorous job as a yoga trainer, and believe me I'm not trading it. But, how 'bout my first day on the job at the Sounders, fc as there hot shot, yoga coach, and Coach tells me we are doing yoga in the men's locker room!! What the, men's locker room, I'm a yoga princess don't you know? So, with the sound of toilets flushing, guys spitting, showers running, the rest of the team and I pretended this was back ground noise of the ocean on some tropical beach. I know, you are thinking , 1-800-Whaa, Sounders locker room, I'd kill for that, but believe me, it smells just like the inside of any old running shoe anywhere. Not that I was complaining much, when the starting team is really focused on our yoga practice and thanking me for helping there flexibility at the end of practice.
Then the SeaHawks. Now, I had a very naive impression of what football players would be like, and look like. Probably because I've never been to a football game in my life, and have a very biased cyclist's view of what those men crushing into each other must be doing. Well, let me tell you that my ignorance was shattered, because instead of micheline man round stomach's and saggy jowles that I immagined....the guys were ripped. And to punctuate that point, they all took there shirts off half way through class because they were hot and glistening with sweat. I thought I was gonna faint. They were also as sweet as pecan pie, and were very polite, attentive and loved my yoga class. And I might add, totally adorable, when at the end of practice we were all sitting in meditation pose, these huge specimen's all had there eyes closed, palms in prayer, with the most sweet and blissful expressions on there faces. I couldn't help but peak one of my eyes open to witness that scene and get a huge grin on my face. Wow.
So, you know, poor me. Ha, Ha!!

Hope to see you all in class this week!!
SAC Monday: 9:30 gentle yoga, 12:00pm Vinyasa with Focus on Flexibility, and 6pm Power Vinyasa
SAC Tues.: 4:30pm Ashtanga style

xo, Tonja

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