Friday, October 30, 2009

What goes up must come down....

What goes Up must come Down….

Isn’t that just simply the darned law around?

Being a person that is easily addicted to fun and pleasure and the “do it again, ‘come on!” skoool of life, it is always such a tough thing when not everything is, like, fun and goin’my way.

I am sure that no one else can relate.

But, the equal and opposite law is in fact true, what goes Down must also come Up!!! Love that ole Law of Attraction.

So, as much as I appreciated the Centre’s experience for what it turned out to be, it was high time for me to skeee daddle and fly sola.

My good friends Laura and Steffen had just left, and that punctuated my desire to pack up and hit da rode for Zagreb to re unite with the little yoga community at Divya ( and my new friends Sandra and Petra. And also stay with my hostess Katrina and her daughter who have so graciously offered there home to me.

I had also picked up some other new friends along the way too. Namely Hiroe and Lovero, rock-climbing, ex-mad chemist and meteorologist respectively, divinely handsome, hilarious and good company. Danijel, so ruggedly good- looking I want to applause, new friend and devoted yoga teacher, AND the Croatian Special Forces special rock-climbing force. More on these later….

Fall is turning to a riot of blazing colours in the Velebit Mountains, where I spent some of my most favourite days in Croatia, aboard Attilla the horse, tromping the hills with Medoh the dog. We have been the three musketeers companions, the horse, dog and me. The air is crisp like cool spring water, and the sky a sharp clear blue, further illuminating the blaze of colour in the Hills.

Anyone who loves nature would love it here, and in a few years once Linden Retreat completes its vision, it will be a lovely, restful retreat .

Now Zagreb is home base and also the Capital city of Croatia. Croatians are a very tall, refined and very handsome race of folks. Zagreb is cosmopolitan, and everything that you could want from a large city is here. Museums, art, theatre, dance, music, and cafes. I haven’t experienced the nightlife yet, but I am sure they have enough to keep a girl busy. Unfortunately, everyone smokes everywhere, and that makes me gag, but oh well, this is Europe. There are also excellent Ex-Pat groups like the Hash House Harriers running group ( and various café Meet Ups for different countries. I could be quite happy here I think if anyone offered me a contract. Anyone???

So, here’s where the Croatian Special Forces come in.

Hrvoje ( hero-way) and Luvero (Luv er oh) invite me to go rock climbing with them in Rijeka. If you haven’t heard, the mountains are incredible right now, and this region is known for its great climbing rock. As we approached the base of the Climb, two army jeeps roll up, and out pile the most fit, handsome young army men I have seen in a while. Not that I hang around bases much, but believe me, if you’ve been on a farm for a month and the best thing in town is a nearly blind, 65 year old farmer and his nearly blind horse, you are pretty stoked to see some rugged young men. Turns out, they were climbing for Special Forces training, and were delighted to entertain a nice young lady. I thought I had died and gone to Man Heaven. I’m not exactly sure if H and L were so excited about the Men as me, but at the end of the day I could have had 5 new boy friends and we all had a good laugh.

Ok, so my dad took me rock climbing a few times when I was young, but I am terrified of heights. I don’t know if it was the day, but, I had such a great climbing experience, I am hooked!!

Yoga really helps climbers, and now I can vouch for that first hand!!

I am teaching class at Divya where the girls have asked me to teach some classes for them in the next few weeks. I am absolutely delighted, and I am also giving Thai Massage at the studio as well.

Danijel, local Ashtanga yogi and teacher is taking me on a Hash run tomorrow and to practice some Acro Yoga. He and Marija will assist me in my next workshop in Rijeka November 7th at the Ashtanga studio (

I almost have a schedual now!!!

Heads up next time for a Yoga Review as I see it in Croatia……you will be delighted and amazed….plus, a glowing review for Lululemon clothing, which I am an Ambassador for. There travel backpack that is laptop friendly is all you really need on your Euro Holiday



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