Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dubrovnik, Croatia, just do it....

Yoga Nation, Bike Peeps
Ok, if you are in Croatia or anywhere near by, high tail yer tail to Dubrovnik.I am serious. Dubrovnik begain in the 12th century as an important port in the Mediterranean, and as the most fortified walled city in Croatia that until the Balkan wars in the 90's was never breached. It's wealth, diplomatic politics helped art,science, and literature to flourish. It has the oldest known pharmacy. Artists and thinkers of the time flocked to it's protective and peaceful walls. It is still the bigest art center and region of forward thought in Croatia that tends, like all cultures to hang on to tried and true.
Unfortunately, in 1667, D. was nearly destroyed to rubble from a deadly earthquake that killed 5000 folks and destroyed most of its Renaissance art and architecture. Then Napoleon and his boys rolled through, in 1806, made it part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and it was down hill for ole D-town from there on out for awhile.
Dubrovnik limped back to high life as a Tourist spot of Europe, and it flourished once again.
As things often go,you have a dream, and someone comes along and smashes it to smithereens and you have to rebuild again. Because you can never give up. Enter, the Serb/Bos/Croat wars of the 90's. I ain't sayin who's fault it was, but the Serbs bombed the shizzznit outta ole D-Town once again.
Ok, what does all this have to do with a gypsy Yoga Teacher and Cyclist?? Welp, now-ish times, Dubrovnik is back on it's feet again after 10 years of war, and it is hands down my very fav. place I've been my whole trip in Croatia.
It is an ancient city, but with a heep o culture and i was so relieved to finally get a mani/pedi after a month on the farm and bike touring. You can take a girl outta the city, but you'll never take the vain outta her!!
Plus, this was the first of Marija and my big weekend Yoga workshops, and we were met with great success in Dubrovnik!! The space at Lazette Art Center is an art collective, rehersal space, and studio's for visiting artists that is funded by the Gov. Let me say that again. A 12th Century ART CENTER that is FUNDED by the g.d. GOV!!!... Hello!!!
Our yoga space was gorgeous on the top floor with the window's over looking the Adriatic Sea. All the students were so excited to have us, and as far as I can tell, I am the very first visiting Yoga Instructor from the States!!! Pretty cool, huh!
They don't have much yoga here, and were so hungry for new info.
I am very pleased with our first effort, and looking forward to our next weekend workshop that starts on the 23rd at Divya ( in Zagreb.
The cycling comes in here.
The winter has started suddenly, early and coldly. I planned to island hop back to Split, then catch the Train to Zagreb, but looks like that is going to be difficult on a few levels. In the summer, the ferry's are plentiful, but winter, it's like twice a week. Plus, i have been facing a lot of resistance to put my bike on public transport, and the ferry schedual warns that bikes go on ONLY at the Cap's ok, and his price.
So, Marija's folks, who live in D. have graciously offered me to stay til i need to take the bus up to Zagreb, so i can do day trips.I hate halting my bike tour, but sometimes you have to say, "Stranja" (shit happens)
Chao, Bella's.....i'll have some pretty pics next time I am near my computer,

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