Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Remedy

Even though we are having a spell of GORGEOUS weather (get outside,now) Winter in seattle can be a long, dark , dreary affair for most of us. Ugh. This is when we look down at the ground, rain runs down the back of our necks, and we pull our Gortex ever tighter against the wind. Not that I have ever worn Gortex , I have heard that, dispite it's utter lack of fashion, it is an excellent protectant against our blustery weather here in the Northwest.

Wanna stay fit in Winter? Amp up your yoga.

This is an excellent time to turn up the heat and challange yourself to do as many Vinyasa's as you can to release toxins and reve up endorphins that ward against winter blah's and sickness. Also, to stay in standing poses like Warrior or Tree for a longer time to build muscle and mental endurance. Experiment with Hot Yoga or taking a 10 minute dry sauna before your yoga class, and if you stay hydrated, you'll be amazed at the difference.

Turn up the heat by attending one of my weekly classes that are focused on building enternal heat, or sign up for a private Thai Yoga session with me!!

Seattle Athletic Club
12 noon Vinyasa / 6pm Power Vinyasa
stay and take advantage of our beautiful saunas!
* fee for non members, tell em you are
my guest.

Seattle Athletic Club 4:30-5:30pm Power Vinyasa
Rain Fitness 7:30-8:45pm Power Vinyasa
Rain Fitness 7:30-8:45pm Power Vinyasa

Often skin can be dry this time of year, so hear's my momma's recipe (swiped from Sophia Lauren herself) to plump dry winter skin.

Teaspoon of warm honey (local honey if you can)
1/2 teaspoon of fresh olive oil.

mix together for a very hydrating facial mask. If you are brave, slide some of the mixture up your nose that is in desperate need of lubrication during the winter. Leave on for 10 minutes, as you rinse with warm water, breathe a tiny bit of water up your nose and blow forcefully out. Not only is honey an astringent to ward off bacteria, but in combo witht the oil, will prevent winter chapping.
Apply daily moisturizer as usual, and walk outside with a smile.

I hope you all are having a great Winter,
and stay tuned for my spring/summer
workshop schedual!!

xo, Tonja

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